You've Been Lied to About the Bible. What You Think is in the Bible, May Not Be.

You were born into a ready-made world of religion. When you came into the world, religion was all wrapped up in a beautiful package. You cheerfully accepted this package without question or reservation. The validity of what was in the package was never questioned! As time went on, you developed a certain amount of pride and confidence about what was in your package, as the package was beautiful on the outside. Eventually, you accepted this package as absolute truth. This website is about opening the package of mainstream Christianity and examining what’s on the inside through Bible answers. You may be looking at this information for the first time in your life. Sometimes, learning more about God is merely unlearning what someone else has taught you about God. There is no need to get offended or upset about these Bible questions and answers. We’re all after the same thing, and that is truth.

Sabbath Sermon with David Freeman

Who Has Been Called to Preach?

Have you ever felt you have been called to preach? How would you know? Someone said, take money out of preaching and we will see who has been called to preach. Occupational ministry has rendered the gospel neutered. Find out in this profound revealing message who has been called to preach.


8 Assumptions that nearly every Christian makes.

Think Your Minister Knows His Bible? Think Again.

What your minister refuses to admit about the Bible.

Weekly Programs

Lazarus and the Rich Man

Lazarus and the Rich Man

The confusion about hell exists because the clergy have taken the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man and used it to establish the False Doctrine of an ever burning hell fire.

The Worker

The Worker

What does the Bible say about working? You will work about 90,000 hours in your lifetime. So what does the Bible say about how you will spend the biggest part of your life? What about unions? What about a 40 hour work week? What about the work ethic of young people today? What about the owner of the company? What about retirement? Find out what the Bible really says about this most critical subject.

The Trinity Is a Lie

The Trinity Is a Lie

In mainstream Christianity, the Trinity is the litmus test to see if you are a real Christian. Yet, the word Trinity is not in your Bible. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you must believe in the Trinity to be saved. Just who and what is God? What does the Bible really say about the God family and what God is doing through mankind?

So, You Call Yourself a Christian?

So, You Call Yourself a Christian?

According to today’s definition, being a Christian is the easiest thing you will ever do. The truth is, however, that you are not a Christian until you are willing to do what God tells you to do.



Have you ever encountered an angel? How would you know the difference between an angel and a demon? Do angels have wings and a hallow? Why did God create angels and what is their purpose? Do we become angels when we die? Why did God create man and what is his purpose? Why did a third of the angels rebel against God? Do all people have a guardian angel? Find the answers to these questions in this program.

The Rabbit Trail

The Rabbit Trail

When confronted with something they do not want to do in the Bible, people often use the old warning excuse, “We’re not under the Old Covenant; we’re under the New Covenant.” Chasing this rabbit trail will never lead to a real relationship with God. Find out how to quit chasing rabbits.

The Fair Chance Doctrine

The Fair Chance Doctrine

If you have been in church for forty years, you have never heard of the Fair Chance Doctrine. The Fair Chance Doctrine says that God will give everyone a chance for salvation according to His timing. Most religions make God a monster that would destroy 80% of humanity in a lake of fire for all of eternity. Learn the truth about the true nature of God.

When Life Starts Taking Away

When Life Starts Taking Away

When you are young, life can be excellent. But what about when we get old and life starts taking us away? How can we better handle the aging process? How can we cope? How can we be happy when life starts taking us away?