Does Man Have an Immortal Soul?
One of the most destructive doctrines in Christianity is the teaching that man was born with an immortal soul. Yet, if you look up the definition of the word soul in the Bible there is nothing about the word soul that would lead you to believe that it is immortal. Where did this teaching come from if not from the Bible?
Biblical Facts:
1 Timothy 6:16 Who only hath immortality… Comment: Referring to Jesus Christ who now has immortality, man does not.
1 Corinthians 15:53 … and this mortal must put on immortality. Comment: Man does not yet have immortality it must be put on at the resurrection.
Historical Facts:
Prior to the beginning of the Christian Era, the idea of the divinity of the “soul” was an essential ingredient of the Orphic religion of the early Greeks. Orpheus, in Greek mythology, was a poet and musician who descended to the underworld to seek…