Do Lost People Go to Hell & Burn Forever?

Only about a third of the world’s population even claim to be Christian and the numbers are falling. If Christianity is getting smaller that can only mean hell is getting larger. Does this really mean that God will consign at least 66% of humanity to a never-ending hell when they die? Is this really the actions of a just and merciful God? What is the fate of the incorrigible wicked? Will they be tortured for all of eternity in hell?

Biblical Facts:

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Comment: the wages of sin is death not eternal life in hell!

Historical Facts:

In Greek mythology Hades was the underworld kingdom inhabited by the souls of the dead. The Romans called the place “Dis,” the region of the dead in Roman mythology. The Bible renders the Greek word “Hades” as “Hell”, but its use by the NT writers was intended to indicate the grave. Nowhere in the Bible is Hell described in the terms of the Greek and Roman mythology, but some today can’t seem to escape maintaining that view. Having the source of the belief revealed should make the thoughtful one sincerely seeking truth stop and examine their conviction. Maybe the Bible is a better source for truth than…

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