Weekly Program
Bible Study Lessons for Adults
Deepen your understanding of the Scriptures and enrich your spiritual journey with our Bible study lessons for adults. We provide insightful lessons designed to bring clarity to God’s Word, guiding you to live a Christ-centered life. Whether you’re a seasoned believer or new to studying the Bible, these lessons provide valuable teachings to strengthen your faith.
A Unique Approach to Learning
Led by David Freeman, our lessons explore questions many Christians ponder but rarely find answers to in traditional church settings. Through thought-provoking discussions, practical applications, and Scriptural references, we help you uncover biblical truths that are often overlooked. Our materials cover a wide range of topics, including:
- Understanding God’s Commandments
- The Significance of Holy Days
- Living a Life in Alignment with Biblical Principles
Each lesson is crafted to inspire reflection and spiritual growth while addressing the challenges of modern Christian living.
Discover Truth in Sabbath-Keeping Churches
One of the foundational teachings we explore is the importance of the Sabbath and its role in Christian living. Many Sabbath-keeping churches emphasize the need to honor God’s designated day of rest and reflection, as outlined in the Bible.
Our lessons delve into the biblical significance of the Sabbath, helping you understand why it remains a vital practice for believers today. David Freeman unpacks key scriptures, offering insights into how Sabbath observance aligns with God’s original intent and how it can bring peace and balance to your life.
Experience Growth Through the Word
Don’t miss the opportunity to deepen your spiritual journey with our Bible study lessons for adults. Join us and become part of a community that values faith, learning, and the practice of Sabbath keeping. Together, we can explore God’s Word in a nurturing environment that promotes spiritual growth.
Make It Easy
Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Most of us are very good at making life hard. We are hard on ourselves and hard on others. This can be good but we can go to the extreme. This message is about how to make your life easy.
The Law Before Moses
For those who want to believe the law has been abolished or done away with, it is a fact that each one of the Ten Commandments has been in existence since the creation of mankind. In fact, you can prove all of the commandments before Exodus 20.
The Law After Christ
For those who want to believe the law has been abolished or done away with it is a fact that each one of the Ten Commandments is reiterated after Christ!
Real Love Part #2
How to say “I Love You” without saying, I love you.
Real Love Part #1
How to say “I Love You” without saying, I love you.
Christ’s 2nd Ministry
Jesus Christ had seven years of ministry but was cut off in the middle of His ministry. Most Christians know His first 3½ years of ministry, but very few know little about His 2nd 3½ years. In fact, most Christians would be shocked by His last 3½ years of ministry.
7 Holy Days
Very early in church history, the Sabbath was abandoned for Sunday keeping and God’s feast days were abandoned for Christmas and Easter.
Christmas Questions
Why do you think Christmas is so popular in America?
Do you think Jesus is really the reason for the season? What are some of the negative things you see about Christmas?
Do you know where Christmas came from?
If there were no holidays like Christmas and Easter, where would you go in the Bible to find out how to worship God?
Is Jesus Really the Reason for the Season?
Celebrating Jesus’ Birthday
How would Jesus want us to celebrate His birthday? Does celebrating Christmas really honor the savior of the world? Does the Bible speak about the customs of our modern Christmas celebration? Is it possible for people to get past their emotions and feelings about Christmas and into the truth?
Preach the Gospel
Jesus Christ was killed because He preached the gospel, today’s churches do not even come close to preaching the gospel. In order to preach the gospel you must bring people to the point of asking the question, “What Must I Do.” With today’s gospel preaching there’s...
The Real Preacher
Have you ever felt you have been called to preach? How would you know? Someone said, “Take money out of preaching, and we will see who has been called to preach.” Occupational ministry has rendered the gospel neutered. Find out in this profound, revealing message who has been called to preach.
The Counterfeit
Nowhere in the New Testament will you find that Salvation is about inviting Jesus into your heart, Nowhere. In fact, we are told to repent and believe the gospel. But what is genuine repentance? What is the real gospel message of the soon-coming Kingdom of God?
The Political Jesus
40 million evangelicals don’t even bother to vote. Of that 40 million, 15 million are not registered to vote. Most preachers cannot even talk about this subject because they know half of their congregation will be Democrats and the other will be Republican. So, preachers remain silent over this issue and allow their congregation to remain ignorant of what each party represents. Did Jesus get involved in politics? Should you get involved in politics? Should you, as a Christian, vote?
But We’re Under The New Covenant
But we’re under the New Covenant, which is the most common phrase religious people use when they are faced with God’s will, especially if it is something they do not want to do. This one magical phrase has made the authority of God’s Word irrelevant. Please find out the truth about the New Covenant and what it really means for a faithful Christian.
God Hates Halloween in Church
We are guilty of taking God’s name in vain because we have placed pagan practices into the Church.
Psychics & Fortunetelling
Are you going to the wrong source for the answers that you need?
The Lie You Want To Believe
There is always a motive for the lie that you want to believe. With religion, there are many things we would rather not do, so we choose to believe the lie. This program will reveal the evil heart of man when it comes to pursuing a relationship with God.
Religious People’s Magical Box
But we’re under the new covenant is the most common phrase religious people will use when they are faced with God’s will. Especially if it is something they do not want to do. The authority of God’s Word has been made irrelevant with this one magical phrase, “But we’re under the New Covenant.” Find out the truth about the New Covenant and what it really means for a true Christian.
The Immortal Soul Fallacy
Millions believe that you have an immortal soul that either goes to heaven or hell when you die. Yet the words “immortal soul” are nowhere to be found in your Bible. Think for a moment, if you already have an immortal soul then why do you need God? You already have something that lives forever inside of you, why would you need a relationship with God? The concept and teaching of the immortality of the soul does not come from the Bible! Philosophers like Plato and Socrates came up with the concept as they speculated about the state of the dead. What does the Bible really say about immortality?
The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven, Never Went
In order to sell religion you have to give people what they want to hear.
Lazarus and the Rich Man
The confusion about hell exists because the clergy have taken the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man and used it to establish the False Doctrine of an ever burning hell fire.
Absent From The Body
What must take place before you can be present with the Lord?
The Worker
What does the Bible say about working? You will work about 90,000 hours in your lifetime. So what does the Bible say about how you will spend the biggest part of your life? What about unions? What about a 40 hour work week? What about the work ethic of young people today? What about the owner of the company? What about retirement? Find out what the Bible really says about this most critical subject.