Jesus Christ was killed because He preached the gospel, today’s churches do not even come close to preaching the gospel. In order to preach the gospel you must bring people to the point of asking the question, “What Must I Do.” With today’s gospel preaching there’s nothing you have to do! Just believe, just invite Jesus into your heart, and just accept Him. With today’s gospel preaching you don’t even have to repent. Today’s churches do NOT preach the gospel!
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What Must I Do?
I know by way of the Holy Spirit, mankind is closing in on dusk on the 6th day, we are at the end of days spoken all throughout God’s Word. The Church (upper case “C”) is more prepared today than at anytime since Christ laid down the stone (himself of course) and started his Church. The man-made churches (lower-case “c”) are not, and if the way I am observing, the churches of man will not turn and find their way, they seem to be head-down, bent on charging away from God, not unlike the pharisees that turned from God toward the morning sun to worship a sunrise service with their backs toward God. Christ came to fullfill the sacrificial law, according to the churches, he fullfilled all God’s laws so they need not keep God’s Commandments any longer. They have sliced-n-diced their bibles so badly, Christ would not recognize what is sold as him. Christ came to destroy the oral laws, do you realize how, in America, man’s oral laws have exponentially grown so dense the so-called christians can hardly breath, as man is now drowning in oral laws, but fail to keep the easiest of God’sLaws, Remembering to keep the Sabbath. I don’t know about you, but this goes beyond being unbelievable! Even many who have now elevated the Apostle Paul as the catholic church has elevated Mary over Christ himself, selectively believe only the parts of Paul’s writings that support the modern day apostolic movement away from repentance. Not only do they feel sorry for a person who stops to admit to sinning and praying in repentance for God to forgive them for their sins, but they actually get angry, scolding those that repent saying you are guilty of taking something away from God’s Grace. They have absolutely no comprehension of what Christ actually accomplished on the Cross. They have no concept of keeping God’s Law, that was supposed to be written on their hearts has actually been exponentially elevated as it now pertains, not just to the mortal being, but to the spiritual being that is part of Christ himself. No, the apostates do not just disobey God, they are teaching that obedience to God is heresy. I don’t know if Christians really fathom how lost the apostates really are, I don’t know if our brothers & sisters in Christ understand how many millions, of what might have been assumed to be part of the body, have fallen away from the Truth.
God bless my brothers & sisters in Christ who are enduring and standing fast in Christ in these last days.
Disciple of Christ