Bible Studies

The Holy Days


The first Passover was observed by the ancient Israelites just before their exodus from Egypt. They had been slaves in Egypt for nearly a century before God freed them through a series of plagues He caused to punish their Egyptian captors for refusing to let them go. The 10th and last plague was death for every firstborn in Egypt. But none of the Israelites were harmed.


Days of Unleavened Bread

Leaven is also a symbol for sin (I Corinthians 5:8). God commanded the ancient Israelites to put all leaven out of their homes and off their property and eat unleavened bread during this seven-day festival. And so the Feast of Unleavened Bread is to remind God’s people today that they are to strive to put SIN completely out of their lives!

Days of Unleavened Bread


The day of Pentecost is the day the Holy Spirit became available to all of mankind. To all who would repent of their sin (sin is the breaking of God’s law – 1 John 3:4) and would accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.


Feast of Trumpets

For nearly 6,000 years, ever since the sin of Adam, God has allowed us humans to reap the consequences of going our own ways. Man now stands poised to destroy all life on this planet. And unless Jesus Christ returns to earth to restore the government of God and put an end to warfare, not a single human being would be left alive!


The fifth annual Sabbath, the Day of Atonement, pictures the fifth step in God’s Master Plan–deposing Satan from his position as world ruler, and his removal to a place completely away from mankind.  Satan will be “bound” for 1,000 years, no longer able to deceive the nations or influence mankind to sin (Revelation 20:1-3).


Feast of Tabernacles

GOD is not in competition with Satan! He is not trying to save the whole world now! Long ago Jesus Christ announced that His message, the good news of the Kingdom of God, would be preached in this age merely as a witness to all nations–not to convert them (Matthew 24:14). When God sets His hand to save the world, He will save it!

Feast of Tabernacles

Last Great Day

Why have countless millions died without ever having had an opportunity to understand the purpose of life and to be saved? Even today the vast majority of people have not heard Christ’s true Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God.

Last Great Day