Bible Studies



Sin has separated us from God (Isaiah 59:2). The answer is to repent, but the problem is, for a person to repent they must be convicted in their hearts that they need to repent. One person learns that they are lost and a sinner but does nothing about it and another person learns the exact same thing and is moved to do something about it. What is the difference in the two people?



Just why should a person be baptized? To answer this question we must understand the fundamentals of the gospel that Jesus Christ brought to this Earth (Luke 3:3). The message is – The baptism of repentance FOR the remission of sins. Baptism represents something very dramatic and sobering and at the same time something very wonderful. It represents the abhorrence of the sinful, self-life and at the same time the ability to change our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit, which is given to us at baptism.


Receiving the Holy Spirit

In order to enter into the Kingdom of God, one must possess God’s Holy Spirit. Man is mortal, subject to death. We are not born possessing eternal life, there is a process we must go through to receive God’s Holy Spirit. We must repent of our sins, be convicted of our need for salvation and be baptized.

Receiving the Holy Spirit

The Process of Conversion

Once we have repented and received God’s Spirit, divine life has been begotten in our minds. One’s basic attitude must be changed or converted. This transformation is a tremendous undertaking. It requires a miracle! The receiving and indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit is the power needed to help renew one’s mind.

The Process of Conversion