Bible Studies

Intermediate Instructions


The only hope Christ ever gave for the possibility of living again was by a resurrection from the dead. Death in the Bible is referred to as the most hated enemy of mankind, therefore understanding what the resurrection is and how man kind can live again is critical knowledge that man needs to have. The first place we must begin is by a definition of the word “resurrection.” Just what does it mean to be resurrected?

The Millennium

The word “millennium” means a period of one thousand years. It might even surprise some to find out that the term millennium or The Millennium is not found in most Bibles, however, there are several verses that mention a time period of one thousand years and many more verses that can only apply to this time period.  The first verse to mention this specific time period is Revelation 20:1-3:

The Covenants of the Bible

According to Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language the definition of the word “covenant” is a mutual consent or agreement of two or more persons, to do or to forbear some act or thing; a contract or stipulation. The Key Verse recounts the first covenant mentioned in the Bible. God set the terms of the agreement. He told Adam and Eve they could eat freely of every tree in the Garden except one.